Author: Southwest Trees and Turf

Tumbleweed Terror

Shana Welles found this tumbleweed in Riverside and put in the bed of her pickup truck. Credit: UC Riverside

By Sean Nealon Two invasive species of tumbleweed have hybridized to create a new species of tumbleweed that University of California, Riverside researchers found has dramatically expanded its geographic range in California in just a decade. The UC Riverside researchers…

Sweet Acacia by Any Other Name Still Smells Sweet.

Sweet acacia is a great choice for desert landscapes, no matter what you call it. Photo courtesy: Arizona State University.

by Dr. Jacqueline A. Soule Our beloved sweet acacia, once know to us as Acacia farnesiana, is now considered Vachellia farnesiana. Why change a perfectly good name?! Some things are just the nature of the beast. Taxonomists change names. Highway…

A Message From Editor Helen M. Stone

“Don’t do something for recognition. Do it out of kindness. Do it because out of giving, it will make you whole and complete.” ― Angie Karan The Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (WCISA) has been a key…

Chainsaw Safety Made Simple


By John Ball The chainsaw is one of the most indispensable tools in modern tree work. About three-fourths of the sales volume in the average tree care company is made from pruning and removals — and this work is not…

Texas Sage Success

Lynn's Legacy Texas sage is a standout. Photos courtesy: Mountain States Wholesale Nursery.

By Joe Pearl In the world of Leucophyllums, there are so many choices to be made. Which one is best for a specific location? Which one is going to become a giant plant that needs to be hacked back every…

A Message from Editor Helen M. Stone

 “It’s so dry the trees are bribing the dogs.” ― Charles Martin, Chasing Fireflies: A Novel of Discovery   Hey, the drought is over! Isn’t it great? Well, that’s what I’ve been hearing from a few folks. Incredible, isn’t it?…

Successful Spring Transition

Newer herbicides make bermudagrass transition smooth and successful. Photo courtesy: Dave Kopec.

By David M. Kopec, Ph.D. As the days get longer, it’s time to think about spring transition. Research in the last 15 years shows that the cultural management practices of 30 years ago do not work (like they used to).Vertical…

Fire and Ice and Everything Nice


By Pete Duncombe Much attention has been given to plants from Australia over the years, but the familiar pattern of introducing popular temperate species into desert regions hasn’t always produced positive results. The reality is that species from wetter and…